Quito, Ecuador Temple

Quito, Ecuador Temple
Here is where we will be working until Feb. 2023


Dear Readers,

We hope as you read this blog of our mission to the Quito, Ecuador temple you will feel the joy and happiness we are experiencing by being in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you can experience some of what we feel. Christine and I met in Quito, Ecuador 51 years ago while serving as missionaries. We are going home.

John and Christine

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 4 Los Uros and Amantani Island

August 16th:  Up early and on a boat to go out into Lake Titicaca and visit the floating islands of Los Uros.  (44 floating islands) On the way to the boat there was not enough room for all of us in the van so Pres. Crayk and I volunteered to take a taxi.  
 Our mototaxi ride.

Before we left the dock we were entertained by this man.

After about 30 minutes we arrived at the Uros and we visited an assigned island where we were taught how they make the island and then we were assigned a family to go to their hut and see how they live.  Our little host just happened to be a member of the church and she was so sweet and cute.  She is newly married and they don’t have any kids yet.  I invited her to come to the temple to be sealed. The people of the Uros speak Aymara.   The Aymara people existed long before the Incas and many of them fled the Lake to escape the Incas.
Puno in the distance and we are headed to the floating islands.
Headed to the floating islands.
Our greeting party on our assigned island.
Mom trying to hitch a ride on a reed boat.
Our host family Carlos and Mari.
Carlos and Mari's home.
We visited another island and then back to our boat for a 2 hour ride to Amantani Island. 
One of the 44 floating islands.
The people of Amantani Island, speak Quechua and Spanish, wear their native dress and have developed community based tourism.  (Ginny would very much approve.)   At the beach, we were greeted by our host who then took us to his Lodge. 
Our host and his wife who we stayed with on Amantani Island.
We then had lunch prepared by his wife. 
Lunch at the Lodge on Amantani Island.
Lunch  fried cheese.  They only eat meat on holidays.
Mom enjoying the sun.
Our room.
We went on a walk, hike around the village. 
Any where you went on this island it was a hike.
Mom and Eve Winkfield walking/hiking.
Main Plaza.
Dad made some friends.
Dad showing his age again.
One of the locals spinning.
We had dinner and then we went up to the main square and listened to a small band and mom danced.
Sun is setting.
Every view was indescribable.
Mom and one of the ladies that went dancing.
Pres. Crayk's dancing partner.

 Check out mom dancing the night away.

The stars were amazing and the Milky Way was very visible.  No light pollution here on this island.  They do have some solar panels and I think some generators.  It was pretty chilly, but beautiful views wiped away the cold.  I am still struggling with not feeling well.

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