Quito, Ecuador Temple

Quito, Ecuador Temple
Here is where we will be working until Feb. 2023


Dear Readers,

We hope as you read this blog of our mission to the Quito, Ecuador temple you will feel the joy and happiness we are experiencing by being in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you can experience some of what we feel. Christine and I met in Quito, Ecuador 51 years ago while serving as missionaries. We are going home.

John and Christine

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Monday, December 17, 2018

December 10th through December 16th

December 10th through December 16th: Monday I worked on finishing the duct for the dryer and wiring the last of the can lights and plugs in the hall.  Mom went to lunch with an old high school friend.  Tuesday I framed around the duct work in our bedroom and finished all the wiring in that room. Mom went to the dentist to see what she needs to have done.  She had a tooth pulled in Guatemala and will need at least one implant and a crown. 

The ceiling is ready for sheet rock.
Wednesday I got all the loose ends done and my work is ready for the rough inspection.   The plumber came and finished the pan for the new shower and the drain for the washer so his work is ready also.  Mom went into Salt Lake to Blomquist Hale, where she is going to work as a therapist.  She met with the HR person who gave her a lot of material that she has to read and sign.  She has to have a background check to see if she is a “shady” character.  She did get finger-printed and we are relieved she has no criminal record.  In the evening, we went to Badger, Moose and Ellie’s Christmas program at their school.  It was fun to see them all perform. 

 Badger plays the trombone.

Click below to hear Badger
Badger playing the trombone
Moose plays the Cello.

Click below to hear Moose
Moose playing the Cello
Ellie singing in the choir for her Christmas program.  She is the blond in middle of the front row in the grey dress.
Thursday morning the inspector came and said I needed to do three more things before he could sign off and we can start to hang sheet rock.  So I went and purchased 3 smoke detectors and a smoke/carbon dioxide detector and hard wired them in the two bedrooms and halls.  I thought that they could be surface mounted and battery operated, but the code says in new construction they have to be wired and in a series so if one goes off the all go off.  I had to lower the ceiling in the new bathroom because of the dryer duct and the walls need some fire blocking.  The last thing is I need to provide more combustible air for the furnace.  This meant that I needed to cut a hole in the brick and put a grill on it so air from outside can flow into the furnace room.  Thursday I got the hole in the brick done.  I called for a re-inspection, but they don’t work on Friday so it is scheduled for next Monday.  In the evening, we went to Evan’s Christmas concert.
Evan's Christmas Concert

Evan plays the violin.
Friday we went to the temple and then did some shopping for counter tops, tile and vinyl flooring.  We think we have found what we want to use.  I started cutting sheet rock in anticipation of getting approval on Monday to start hanging sheet rock.

This is what we are thinking we will use. Vinyl planking for the floor, white cabinets, grey quartz counter-tops, and carrera marble with grey square tiles for the back splash.

The washer and dryer will be stacked, so the dryer vent and gas line are up high.
Mom took Rigby, Stanford, Luke, Jake and Ellie to the play, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”.  

Mom took our 4 eight-year-old grandsons to the play, "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." Left to right:  Rigby, Stanford, Jake, and Luke.  Ellie came along too.
Saturday I got all the fire blocking done and all but 6 pieces of sheet rock cut.  I also took a load of trash to the dump.  

Truck loaded for the dump.
Sheet rock is everywhere.
Only a few pieces of sheet rock left to cut.
Moose, age 13, made the semi-finals in the cha-cha at his dance competition.  

Click below to see Moose dancing.

Sunday we went to church and Mom and I cooked a pot roast, potatoes and gravy and broccoli dinner.  That is the meal we had when our children were small almost every Sunday.  It brought back a lot of memories.  
Pot roast with mashed potatoes and gravy, Yum
I got sustained as the Temple and Family History specialist in the ward.  We are starting to feel like we are putting down some roots and that we will be here for awhile.  Life is good and if we can just get into our apartment things will be great.  We are very blessed.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Moose looks like a stud!!