Quito, Ecuador Temple

Quito, Ecuador Temple
Here is where we will be working until Feb. 2023


Dear Readers,

We hope as you read this blog of our mission to the Quito, Ecuador temple you will feel the joy and happiness we are experiencing by being in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you can experience some of what we feel. Christine and I met in Quito, Ecuador 51 years ago while serving as missionaries. We are going home.

John and Christine

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Monday, December 3, 2018

November 26th through December 2nd

November 26th through December 2nd:  Monday I got to the Home Depot in Salt Lake and rented a concrete cutting saw when they opened at 6:00 am.  I thought I could get the concrete cut for the new bathroom in 4 hours.  So I rented the saw for 4 hours, but it took till 4:00 pm to finish the job.  I hurried back and rented a jack hammer to break up the concrete I had just cut.  I finished removing the concrete about 7:00 pm and took the jack hammer back.  So that tool only cost the 4 hours.  The concrete saw I had to rent for a full day.  
Concrete cut and removed.
Looking for the pipe I had to remove our vanity and then reinstall it.

Tuesday I removed all the dirt and trenched so the plumber can get the pipes in.  We then went to lunch with my siblings at Van’s condo in Salt Lake.  

Dirt removed and ready for the plumber.
L to R Mom, Me, Van, Tad, Alice and Tove, Tad's wife. Van's wife is taking the picture. 

Wednesday Mom and I steamed off all the wallpaper in the 2 big rooms.  Then I started laying out, cutting the holes and pulling wire for the can lights.  There will 43 when I am done.   In the afternoon we went and met with an insurance salesman and got signed up for a Medicare-Advantage plan.  

In order to remove the wallpaper we had to move the sheet-rock.  Mom was a big help and helped me move 38 sheets of sheet-rock.

Thursday the plumber came and got the pipes in so I can pour the cement and finish the framing. I continued with the wiring in the basement.  

Wall paper removed and wires hanging from the holes for the cans. 
The plumber is done.

Friday morning we met with the temple president and talked about a sealing shift and ordinance worker shift.  He left it up to us to pick a day and a shift.  We then drove to Sandy to watch Tilda dance at the Festival of Trees.  In the afternoon, we finished moving the storage unit.  We took my sister, Alice, to dinner to celebrate her birthday.  She will be 72!  

Tilda is on the left.
Charlotte, Tilda and mom.

Saturday I got in a full day of wiring and finished wiring 30 of the 43 can lights.    

I had to tear down the sheet-rock in the hall between Badger's room and his bathroom in order to install 4 can lights.
Cans are installed.
More cans installed and giving us plenty of light.
Sunrise from Van's condo that Maude, his wife, shared with us.

Sunday we went to John and Jill’s ward for the first time.  We went over early and one of the counselors in the bishopric asked if we wanted our names read in during the sacrament meeting.  He requested our membership and we are now officially members of the Muller Park 4th ward.  We went to Charlotte and Alex’s for dinner and to watch the First Presidency’s devotional.  We came out and it had snowed and our car was covered.  We made it home and I got out the snow blower and cleared the driveway and walks at John’s house.  

Headed to dinner at Charlotte's.
After dinner surprise.
Clearing the driveway at John's.

Snow is not my favorite thing.  We are making progress on the apartment and hope to be finished in 8 weeks, but I am feeling my age.

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