December 31st through January 6th 2019: Monday Mom went into work for 4 hours. I finished the sheet rock. Hurray! I also got help from Badger and Moose and we carried the moldings and flooring down from the garage. The 16 foot material takes up a lot of floor space. The 19 boxes of flooring are really heavy and we all needed to take a break after carrying everything down and so we all went to Chick filet for lunch.
Mouldings ready to install. |
Flooring has to wait his turn. It will be a few weeks. |
I laid the shower floor in the afternoon and started hanging doors. I went to bed by 9:00 pm, no staying up late for this guy.
Doors are getting hung. |
Tuesday I celebrated the New Year by working. John B. had the day off and helped me finish hanging the doors. We also laid the tile in the Badger’s bathroom.
Bathroom tile laid, check. |
Wednesday I grouted the shower floor and finished the trim tile for the shower. I got the bathroom primed with Kills, a primer. Our beautiful granddaughter, Abigail, turned 6. She was so excited.
This is Abbie who turned 6 this last week. |
Kate invited us to dinner, but at the last minute I couldn’t go. I got word that President Nelson approved my activation to be a sealer in the Bountiful temple and I was invited to a meeting for all the sealers Wednesday evening. I start on Saturday the 12th 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. I am excited to be able to be back in the temple for more than a session a week. Thursday I demoed the shower in our bathroom and removed the walls we needed to get rid of in order to have a larger vanity. It feels like we are starting over.
This is our shower as I started the demo. |
This is our shower when I got done. |
This is what we found when it was all cleaned up. |
The shower is reframed and larger. |
I also got the new shower grouted. John B. grouted the bathroom floor and got a coat of paint on the walls.
New shower grouted. |
We also had a visit from Oscar and Clara Flohr, our dear friends from Guatemala. They served as a counselor and assistant matron with us in the temple. They are here visiting their son who lives in West Valley. It was so fun to visit with them for a few minutes.
The Flohr's visiting us. We were both in our work clothes. |
Friday I framed the new shower and poured the concrete around the drain. I also got started on the casings around the doors.
I got the concrete poured. |
Doors with casings installed. |
Saturday I got the bedroom and kitchen primed. We took a load of trash to the dump. I got most of the Hardi board cut and installed in our new shower. I got the vanity and top installed in Badger’s bathroom.
Bedroom primed. |
Kitchen primed. |
Vanity and top installed. |
John B. got a second coat of paint on Badger’s bathroom. Mom took 4 of our grandkids to Jurassic Quest.
Mom with L to R Jake, Kimball, Rigby and Stanford. |
The boys seemed to enjoy the activity. |
She then went to the leadership meeting for stake conference. She has been called as the Relief Society secretary. We went to the adult session in the evening. Sunday we went to stake conference and it started snowing just before we left. President Eyring was in attendance and spoke briefly. We live in his stake. The visiting authority was Elder Holzapfel, an area seventy. It was a great conference. When we came out there was about 5 inches of snow and more as we climbed up the hill to John’s house. Badger got out of the car and started up the snow blower. He did not have a coat on and he was in his Sunday shoes. He is such a teenager.
Clearing the driveway and sidewalks is a lot of work. Jake and John B. shoveling snow off the sidewalk.
This week was work, work, and more work. I feel blessed that I can still do this kind of work. My body rebels once in awhile and lets me know of the aches and pains I am creating. So I often go to bed sore and with some discomfort, but usually in the morning I am ready to go at it again. We are so blessed to enjoy good health and have this opportunity to live with John and Jill and their family. We just need to get this apartment done.
I feel tired just reading this! I'll take a nap for you.
Thanks Sam for taking one for the team.
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