June 27th through July 3rd: Monday, after shopping, we
cooked Chinese
food all afternoon for a dinner with the temple presidency and Brother and
Sister Funes who have accepted the call to serve as my new second counselor and
assistant to the matron. President and
Sister Rosado finish their mission in a week and the Funes will take their
place. I am so grateful for good
L to R President and Sister Rosales, President Rosado, Brother and Sister Abadillo (Temple Recorder) |
L to R Brother and Sister Funes, Sister Rosado, Mom |
L to R Sister Rosales, Sister Abadillo, Sister Rosado, Sister Funes, and Mom. |
Chef and sous chef. |
Tuesday, we worked the
afternoon shift so we could have Wednesday off.
Wednesday we had presidency meeting and took pictures in our whites to
remember this presidency.
L to R President and Sister Rosales, Mom and I, President and Sister Rosado. |
My counselors. |
Mom and her assistants. |
We then spent
the afternoon cooking another Chinese meal for 4 stake presidents and their
wives. With the recorder and his wife
and President Rosales and his wife, we had 14 for dinner. Of course, we had left-overs that we took to
the secretaries the next day.
Dinner with Stake Presidents. |
Dinner with Stake Presidents. |
we worked the evening shift. Friday we
thought we would go over and do a session at 11:00am. It was completely full and they had to have
two more sessions to accommodate everyone that wanted a session. It is nice to see the temple full and the
Spirit was wonderful. Saturday we were
up early to start at 4:00am. We had a
busy morning and I sealed a young couple who had asked me to officiate their
sealing when we were at their stake conference a few weeks ago. Mom came to the sealing and there was a very
powerful Spirit present. After our shift,
I had the opportunity to set the Funes apart for their new callings and to
confer the sealing power upon President Funes.
It was the first time I have had the opportunity to do that and it was
incredible. I received a letter from
President Monson delegating to me the authority to confer the sealing
power. We went home and had some lunch
and then drove to Patzicia to speak to all the Young Single Adults in that
stake. We got home just after 10:00pm. It made for a very long day, but one filled
with special experiences. Sunday we went
to church and found out the husband of one of our temple workers had passed
away. He had lost both his legs to diabetes,
but his death was very sudden. The funeral
was Sunday afternoon. Mom and I took
Sister Rosales and Brother Hurst to the funeral. All of their children spoke and it was very
nice. He had been a mission president in
Veracruz, Mexico and had served in many positions in the church.
Brother Mijangos' funeral. |
We then came home and drove the temple
missionaries to “Break the Fast” for all the North American missionaries who
work in Guatemala City. It was a nice to
see everyone and to welcome some new senior missionaries to Guatemala. The temple closed after the last session on
Saturday for two weeks of maintenance. We
are driving to Xela in the morning to visit the other temple in Guatemala. We should have some interesting pictures in
the coming weeks. It was another great
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