July 18th through July
24th: Monday
after a walk, we ate a great breakfast cooked by my brother Van. It is so nice having someone else cook. We then went to the two museums, the Popol
Vuh and the Ixchel, at the Francisco Maroquin University. Everyone loved the
museums and of course, the great gift store. We then came home and played some cards. The Normans love to play cards. We reminisced and laughed for hours.
Sets and Runs is our favorite game. |
We had some lunch and went to the central
market for more shopping. Tuesday we had the morning shift in the
temple. My family came over for the 7:00am
session. There were 22 English speaking
missionaries with them. Afterwards, we
did sealings for many Badger names that I had researched. We then went for a
late lunch to one of the top restaurants in Trip Advisor, El Rincon del Steak. It did not disappoint. We had huge platters of stake and shrimp,
salad and guacamole and chips. Then it
was on to the artisans market by the airport for a little more shopping. Everyone
is trying to find a few last minute gifts to take home. Even my wife decided to send home birthday
gifts for all the grandkids.
Shopping and drinking diet coke at the artisans market. Aren't the dollies cute. The granddaughters loved them. |
We came
home and of course, spent the last night together playing cards. Alice had taught us a new game, Fruit Salad, but
we added another hand and renamed it Guatemalan Salad. We laughed a lot and enjoyed the evening
together. Wednesday we had a nice breakfast together and then we loaded up
for the airport. Chris had to pack our
gifts in a suitcase, so they had an extra bag to check.
L to R Van, Tad, Tove and Alice. They are headed to the airport. We love you so much, thank you for coming to see us. |
We then came home and went to the temple for
the afternoon shift. Thursday we had presidency meeting. In the afternoon we went to the movies with
two couples who are serving as temple missionaries in the Quetzaltenango
temple. They are staying with us for a
few days while the temple in Xela is closed for maintenance.
Recliner seats and popcorn. Tarzan was entertaining and we enjoyed a restful afternoon. |
Friday we
had off, but I had been asked to officiate the sealing of the son of one of the
area seventies, Elder Camay. It was an
honor and a privilege to officiate this sacred ordinance for this young couple.
They seemed pleased and looked so happy.
No matter how often I officiate in sealings, I will never tire nor find
it common. I consider this sacred
calling as a sealer, as one of the greatest blessings in my life.
Our good friends, Kirt and Julie Saville, were in Cochabamba and sent us this great picture of, Willie and Ximena Escobar. Willie is a devoted temple worker in Cochabamba. He and Ximena were in a terrible bus accident while we were in Bolivia. Ximena had a piece of metal go completely through her body and she has endured many surgeries. We have often wondered how they were doing. We were so grateful to receive this picture and see what a beautiful young woman she has become. Thanks Savilles. |
Saturday we had the early shift. I woke up at 3:40am and went in on the
computer and finished a spread sheet for Chris.
She had been working on it the night before and it was getting late so
she said she would get up and finish it in the morning. Well, I let her sleep a bit more and I
finished it. It was a new schedule for
the Saturday morning shift. We got to
the temple by 4:00am and our shift coordinators were waiting for us. We have such faithful workers. At noon, the hour that our shift is done, a
couple arrived to be sealed and asked if I would officiate their sealing. I couldn’t say no, even though we were tired
and my feet hurt because I was wearing new shoes. We got home about 1:00pm and had some
lunch. I had another sealing scheduled
at 4:00pm. I sat down in the recliner
and fell asleep. Chris woke me up as she
was leaving to go over and be with the bride’s family who are not members. I arrived at 4:00pm and they told me that the
couple was ready and that all their guests were in the sealing room waiting for
me. I hurried and changed and as I walked
into the office, the paper work was coming off the printer. Perfect timing, which is unusual in
Guatemala. I enjoy sealings and the
Spirit that is always present. We got
home and felt like we had had a good day.
We were tired, but we were happy and felt like we had made a difference and
that our service had been acceptable. Sunday we got up and I made
breakfast. Where is my brother, Van,
when I need him? After church, we had a
quick dinner of leftovers from the freezer.
We worked on an Agenda for the Coordinators’ meeting at 4:00pm. We went to the temple at 1:30pm to get ready
for the training meeting for all the Saturday workers. We are so busy in the temple on Saturdays
that we can’t find a time to do training.
64 workers showed up. We had a
great training meeting and finished 5 minutes before the start of our
Coordinators’ meeting. We trained and
counseled with our coordinators and we got home a little after 6:00pm. How can you not love spending your Sunday
afternoon in the temple? A great finish
to the week. It was so great having my
siblings and Tove with us for a week. We
played hard and really connected and we loved sharing a little of Guatemala
with them. They were surprised at how
green and beautiful this country is and they left happy to have had the
opportunity to experience Guatemala.
Seeing all the kids together Sunday evening opening their presents was a
little hard. It pulled a bit at our
heart strings. But we still know that
this is where the Lord wants us to be and the Spirit comforts and confirms this
to us on a daily basis.
Emme and Abbie like their new dollies.
Charlotte and Tilda like their new shoes. |
We miss you guys! Come home for just like 3 days.
So happy to know you had a great vacation with your family and also got to see the other Temple. Thanks for the posts.
The Soto couple.
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