Quito, Ecuador Temple

Quito, Ecuador Temple
Here is where we will be working until Feb. 2023


Dear Readers,

We hope as you read this blog of our mission to the Quito, Ecuador temple you will feel the joy and happiness we are experiencing by being in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you can experience some of what we feel. Christine and I met in Quito, Ecuador 51 years ago while serving as missionaries. We are going home.

John and Christine

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Monday, May 21, 2018

May 14th through May 20th

 May 14th through May 20th:  Monday we picked President and Sister Hill up from the MTC at 9:00am and headed for Monterrico on the Pacific coast.  They are suppose to take an overnight break every month or so and they invited us to do something with them.  They only had 2 missionaries staying another 3 weeks, but will get a new group on Wednesday.  We went by way of the ferry down the river for the last 20 minutes.  
Our car is loaded on the ferry.
President Hill and me headed to Monterrico.
Sister Hill and mom on the other side of the ferry.
Once the car is on the ferry you can't open the front doors.  I had to climb into the back seat to get out.
Going down the river.

Click below to see the video
Going down the river.
Local wildlife.

We then tried to find our hotel and Dos Mundos (Two Worlds) a different hotel where we planned to have lunch.  We kind of got lost and drove around for almost 2 hours. We had lunch at Dos Mundos and then checked into our hotel, El Farro (the lighthouse).  You can see by the pictures that it is really nice and right on the beach.  The sound of the waves crashing on the beach was really loud as we sat at the restaurant and had appetizers.   The mosquitoes were too fierce and we ended up in the lobby playing cards. 

The pool was fantastic.
The pool was very refreshing.
The waves were crashing onto the beach.

Click below to see the waves.
The waves crashing on the beach.

Tuesday morning we rented 4 wheelers and drove up and down the beach and spent time in the pool just relaxing.  We checked out, had lunch and headed home arriving about 5:00pm.  

Breakfast in the morning sun.
Riding up and down the beach was fun.

Click below to go on a ride.
Riding down the beach.
Lunch before we head home.

It was a fun trip, but I suffered for the next few days with chigger bites on my left leg.  I only had 5 bites on my right foot, but I figure I got about 30 to 40 bites on left leg.  Mom did not want me to put the photos in, but why not be real with my diary.  

The chiggers got me again.  Sister Hill also got lots of bites.
I got lots of chigger bites, about 20 on this ankle.

Wednesday we had presidency meeting and did the afternoon shift. Another branch from Chulac in the Polochic arrived and we got all their paper work done for the three families that were going to be endowed and sealed. They also brought 28 youth to do baptisms for the dead. It was the first time to the temple for many of them.  President Maas and his family stayed at our home.  Thursday I went over early and got the 5 adult that needed to receive their endowment in the temple and then the rest to breakfast.  After breakfast, the rest of the adults came to the temple so that they could all be together for the session.  Then I got the youth into the baptistery.  

Family #1  Parents were endowed and 4 children sealed.
Family #2, both parents endowed and one little girl sealed. 
Family #3, mom endowed and little girl sealed.  The branch president was previously endowed and is standing in the middle.
The whole group from Chulac 1 branch.
28 youth came and did baptisms for the dead on 3 different days.

Friday and Saturday we had the early morning shift.  Sunday we drove to Patzicia for their stake conference.  The majority of the women still wear their traditional clothes.  It was a good conference and we got home about 2:00pm.  

Patzicia stake presidency.  R. to L. Pres. Xovin, Xicay, and Choc. I am not standing on my toes.
Very large choir that sounded good.

Click below to listen to the choir.
Choir singing.

They had 3 of these floral arrangements. 
Mom took this one as the choir walked in.
The building was packed.
You get quite a variety of dresses.
About 18 months old in huilpil and corte.
This is one of our temple workers.  It probably takes at least 3 hours by bus to get to the temple.

We got to talk to some of our kids and felt like we had had a good week. 

1 comment:

Merlene said...

Looks like a fun and well deserved trip with the Hills. I love the pictures of the little girls. We have three pictures of girls in their traditional costumes hanging above our bed. There is a special something there. Sorry to see/hear about your bites. That is what Georgia did to me along with fleas. Thankfully we are not blessed with those creatures here so far.