Quito, Ecuador Temple

Quito, Ecuador Temple
Here is where we will be working until Feb. 2023


Dear Readers,

We hope as you read this blog of our mission to the Quito, Ecuador temple you will feel the joy and happiness we are experiencing by being in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you can experience some of what we feel. Christine and I met in Quito, Ecuador 51 years ago while serving as missionaries. We are going home.

John and Christine

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Monday, June 6, 2016

May 30th through June 5th 2016

May 30th through June 5th 2016:  Monday we got up at
4:00am, got ready, packed and left Coban to return to Guatemala City. It was still dark, but we followed 2 other cars on a winding road up into the mountains.  I wanted to follow someone who could show me where the tumulos were.  These are speed bumps wherever they want to slow the traffic down.  They must be rolled over very slowly (you have to almost come to a complete stop) or you will totally destroy your car.  They are harder to see in the dark and not knowing the road, I felt safer letting someone else find them for me.  We had smooth sailing for the first 3 hours, but then we hit the traffic coming into the city and it slowed us down.  We finally got home at just before 9:00am.  Tired from the drive, I let Elder Hurst take the car and drive the missionaries to do their shopping.  I did the blog which took till at least noon. We had a lazy afternoon and then drove all the missionaries to a Memorial Day BBQ and farewell dinner for 3 senior couples who will be leaving next month.  I kind of made everyone leave a little early.  I wanted to get back and watch the last part of the Warriors/Thunder game.  
Memorial day BBQ and farewell dinner for 3 couples that are finishing their missions.
Tuesday we had the morning shift.  We had to do our shopping in the afternoon because we didn’t do any on Monday.  Wednesday was a long day because we had presidency meeting in the morning and then we had the afternoon shift.  That made for a 12 hour day.  Thursday after our morning walk and 30 minutes at the gym at the MTC, we went shopping again, this time for fresh vegetables.  We are going to try and eat veggies at least 2 times a day.  Friday we had the morning shift and we had 5 full sessions.  All the missionaries from the MTC came to the temple.  The instructors at the MTC were receiving training from 2 men from the missionary department.  It was a fun morning with a lot of energy in the temple.  Saturday we had the afternoon shift.  The temple was completely full in the morning.  Starting at 5:00am they had a session about every 40 minutes and each one was full.  But after we arrived at the temple, the temple recorder reminded us that we had a stake conference assignment. It had slipped my mind that we had been invited by a general authority seventy, Elder Cordon, to be with him for the Saturday meetings.  President Rosado said that he would go home and have lunch and then return so we could go to our meetings.  In the adult session, Elder Cordon taught for 2 hours and all I had to do was answer some questions.  In the priesthood session, I was the first speaker and the mission president was to be the next speaker.  He had to leave for another meeting.  As I got to the podium, Elder Cordon said, “You can use President Cafaro’s time.”  So I spoke for 30 minutes instead of 15.  It is always energizing to be in a meeting where the Spirit is present and I felt really good about my talk.  We got home about 8:00pm and went almost straight to bed.  Sunday we went back to the stake conference.  The Mariscal stake was divided into the Mariscal and San Cristobal stakes.  Mom and I both got to speak and it was a very nice meeting.  The choir was great and was accompanied by 3 violins, a cello and a flute and of course a piano.  
  I got a nice picture of the choir before conference started.

This was taken 20 minutes before the meeting started.  Packed House
We drove to our church to see if anyone was still there in hopes of receiving the sacrament.  The bishop and his counselor were still there.  We paid our fast offerings and they offered to administer the sacrament for us.  It was very nice and we did not even have to ask.  We got home and had lunch.  We played a couple of games of Rumikub and then went to the temple.  We had a stake with all their leaders come for training.  It was a nice way to spend the afternoon.  We got done at 6:30pm.  We spent the evening talking to some of the kids and doing family history.  The week flew by and once again I reflect on my many blessing and how grateful I am for my Savior and the honor it is to preside in His holy temple.  Words do little justice to how I feel, my heart is full and I am happy.


Unknown said...

So nice to see this pictures. I sang in the choir. The spirit felt so strong. Thanks for your talks Pte and Sister Norman

Unknown said...

So nice to see this pictures. I sang in the choir. The spirit felt so strong. Thanks for your talks Pte and Sister Norman