Quito, Ecuador Temple

Quito, Ecuador Temple
Here is where we will be working until Feb. 2023


Dear Readers,

We hope as you read this blog of our mission to the Quito, Ecuador temple you will feel the joy and happiness we are experiencing by being in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you can experience some of what we feel. Christine and I met in Quito, Ecuador 51 years ago while serving as missionaries. We are going home.

John and Christine

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week 3 first post

Monday, Jan. 2nd: We went to Breakfast with Pres. Crayk and his wife, the Jackmans, and the Cardons. Pres. Crayk drove, he has a large SUV. He wanted to take us for some Saltanes, that is with a nyay. These are like a fruit pie, only with a hard crust and with meat and vegetables inside. I don’t know how to describe them but they are good and cheap. I had two super spicy beef and a drink for about 2 dollars. Then we all headed to the largest open market in South America, la cancha.

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