Quito, Ecuador Temple

Quito, Ecuador Temple
Here is where we will be working until Feb. 2023


Dear Readers,

We hope as you read this blog of our mission to the Quito, Ecuador temple you will feel the joy and happiness we are experiencing by being in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you can experience some of what we feel. Christine and I met in Quito, Ecuador 51 years ago while serving as missionaries. We are going home.

John and Christine

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Monday, January 9, 2023

January 2nd through January 8th

January 2nd through January 8th:  Monday:  We were supposed to go on a walk before we left the lodge to look for birds at 6:00am, but when 6:00am rolled around it was raining very hard.  It had rained most of the night and the river was about 3 feet higher than on Sunday.  We had breakfast and loaded up in two canoes and headed up river to our drop off point the Bridge at Cuyabeno.  The ride up river went much faster than when we came in.  The river being much higher made it possible to go much faster and there were not as many dead trees sticking out of the water. 

Ginny filmed the same part of the river as I did.
This blue butterfly had iridescent wings.

I forgot this one from our night walk.

We got on our bus and were on our way back to Quito at noon.  We stopped 3 times for bathroom breaks and food and drink.  We got dropped off at 10:00pm at the temple. 
This is the Sumaco volcano just over 13,000 feet above sea level.  We drove straight for it for about 2 hours.
We then turned and went around it to the south.

Tuesday:  Sam and Ginny and the girls headed to the airport to go to the Galapagos Islands.  We did laundry and some cleaning.  We went to the evening shift at the temple.  Wednesday and Thursday: We did our evening shifts at the temple.  Friday: We did the morning shift so that we could cook dinner for Ginny and her family.  They got back from their trip about 6:00pm. We fed them and then they headed to Otavalo.  Ginny is on the board of directors of the foundation that supports Saminay,  the school that we have visited a number of times. Saturday: We spent from 7:00am till 3:00pm in the temple.  I did 2 sessions and Chris was in initiatory all day.  She needs a back rub.  Sunday:  We went to church and cooked dinner for Ginny and her family.  They spent the afternoon and evening with us before heading to the airport for their trip home. In the evening Chris, Ginny, Xela, and Willa went into Quito to the Cathedral Metropolitan to see a giant nativity.  They all said it was amazing.  It had thousands of figures, representing the Nativity and everyday life.  It changed from night to day and many of the figures moved.

The Nativity filled the entire floor of the Cathedral
The Girls
Angle visiting Mary
Bread shop
Birth of Jesus
Jesus presented at the temple.

Herod's palace
             Joseph and Mary's flight into Egypt 

We also played some games.
This was the winning drawings.  Mr. Vampire, guitar playing, merman.

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