Quito, Ecuador Temple

Quito, Ecuador Temple
Here is where we will be working until Feb. 2023


Dear Readers,

We hope as you read this blog of our mission to the Quito, Ecuador temple you will feel the joy and happiness we are experiencing by being in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you can experience some of what we feel. Christine and I met in Quito, Ecuador 51 years ago while serving as missionaries. We are going home.

John and Christine

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Monday, June 17, 2019

June 10th through June 16th

June 10th through June 16th:  Monday while Chris was at work I removed the carpet from the dining room off the kitchen and took out the sliding door into the front room/TV room and one that was in the hall. I made a trip to the dump with the carpet and demoed walls in order to prepare a place where we could store the cabinets for the kitchen.  In the afternoon, I worked on installing the moldings on the windows in the front room/TV room and the music/craft room and the cabinets in the TV room.  Monday evening I met John and Jill and Moose at the storage unit and we brought home a truckload of cabinets.  
The the carpet and the pocket door removed between the dining room and the TV room.
Monday's trip to the dump.
Moldings on the window, TV room.
Molding on the window in the music/craft room.

Tuesday I went to see our doctor about my left shoulder.  I have a lot of pain when I try and lift it more than a couple of inches.  He gave me a shot of cortisone and a prescription for physical therapy.  If these don’t help, then he will refer me to a specialist for a MRI.  Chris went to work and I finished the moldings on the windows.  After John finished work, we finished loading the rest of the cabinets for the kitchen and brought them home.  

Molding on the facia of the cabinet and around the windows.
Cabinets all ready to be assembled and installed.

Wednesday we went to our temple shift and had a nice morning in the temple.  We skipped our paint class.  I stayed home and worked on hanging sheetrock in the TV room and in the hall where I removed the sliding door. Chris went to the doctor with Charlotte who is having a lot of back and leg pain.   

Sheet rock back up where I had to tear it out to get the wiring in for the new 3 way switches.
Pocket door removed and new sheet rock installed in the hall.

Thursday I woke up sick and did not have a lot of energy.  I managed to remove the cabinets from the kitchen and start the demo of the soffits and make a trip to the dump. Mom got home from work and we demoed until we had another load for the dump.  She helped me fill the truck and we went to the dump.  

The before demo picture of the kitchen.
Cabinet removed and start of the soffit demo.
More soffit demo.
Thursday's dump run.

Friday I was still not feeling well.  After working on the demo for 3 hours, I went back to bed and slept for 3 hours.  In the afternoon, I finished the demo of the soffits and the wall to the laundry.  Mom helped me fill the truck again and we made another trip to the dump.  John got home and helped me move the washer and dryer so I could demo the laundry.  

End of the day on Friday.
Friday's trip to the dump.

Saturday I started feeling better and had a very productive day.  I demoed the laundry by removing the cabinets and the vinyl floor, a sub floor and then old linoleum.  When I got the baseboards out I could see we had a problem with mold again on the exterior walls.  So I also cut out the sheetrock where the mold was.  While removing the door I realized that originally the room had a pocket door.  So I had to remove that also.  

Mold at the base of the walls.
Mold on the sheetrock.
Had to tear out the sheet rock in the laundry room.

Pocket door to the laundry room coming out.

Mom helped me get up all the old linoleum and load the truck for the 4th trip to the dump for the week.  We took almost 4000 lbs of construction material to the dump during the week.  Twice while Chris and I were unloading, people offered to help us unload the truck. What nice people there are in Bountiful!   

After the demo on Saturday.
Saturday's trip to the dump.

In the afternoon I framed the walls for the new bath and put in a wall where the pocket door used to be.  I got some of the can lights laid out.  I am thinking I have about 35 more lights to install in the front entry, hall, laundry room, new bath, kitchen and dining room.  I know what I will be doing on Monday.  If I am correct and it is 35, that will make a total of 134 new can lights I will have installed.  I did not think that the demo would take 3 days, but for 2 of them I was under the weather and not feeling like myself.  So all in all, I am pleased with the progress made at the end of week 3 of the main floor remodel.  

New bathroom walls installed.
End of work on Saturday.

Sunday we went to the missionary farewell of my nephew, David Norman’s daughter, Ariel Norman.  She is going to the Colorado Fort Collins Mission.  After the meeting, we went to David and Janet’s home to visit with the friends and family of Sister Norman.  They live only a few minutes from our house. 

Ariel and Chris.
Me and my twin brother Van who is 7 years older than I am.

We invited James and Kirstin, their 3 kids, Bryce and Kate, their 3 kids, and Charlotte and Evan, her oldest, to dinner Sunday afternoon.  Alex is in California with their other 3 kids.  Charlotte could not travel with them because of her bad back pain and Evan could not get off work.  He works at Lagoon.  We had a wonderful time and enjoyed sitting around and talking after dinner. It was a great week except for the being sick part.

Sunday dinner with Left side- Kate, Stanford, and Bryce and Right side- Kirstin, James and Charlotte

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