Quito, Ecuador Temple

Quito, Ecuador Temple
Here is where we will be working until Feb. 2023


Dear Readers,

We hope as you read this blog of our mission to the Quito, Ecuador temple you will feel the joy and happiness we are experiencing by being in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you can experience some of what we feel. Christine and I met in Quito, Ecuador 51 years ago while serving as missionaries. We are going home.

John and Christine

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Monday, June 18, 2018

June 11th through June 17th

June 11th through June 17th:  Monday we wanted to take the Jensons and the Holmans to breakfast at El Tenador in Antigua.  We had to wait for Sister Holman to get done at the immigration office and then we were off.  We didn’t get there until 10:30am and found out El Tenador is closed on Mondays, so we ended up at La Posada de Don Rodrigo which is a wonderful hotel and restaurant in an old convent.  

This is how you ride shotgun in Guatemala.
Brunch at La Posada de Don Rodrigo.
Looking at the volcano El Agua from the rooftop at La Posada.
The rooftop view at La Posada.
The doors to the guest rooms at La Posada.
The front door to the hotel is awesome.
We then went to Nim P’ot, one of our favorite artisan markets.  I was looking for additional fabric to make table runners.  I found 3 used huipiles from Chichicastenango and a skirt from Solola to use with the 3 huipiles from San Martin that I bought at the market last week.  

One of the huipils from Chichicastenango after I had unpicked the panels.
Each panel is make on a back strap loom and takes a couple of months to make.
On the way home, we stopped in Mixco at Walmart during one of the hardest downpours in this rainy season.  Watch the video.  

The rain storm.

Click below to see the rain storm.             
Rain Storm

Tuesday Sister Jenson came over and gave us a sewing lesson and helped us make a couple of table runners.  They turned out great.  They were patterned after the table runner we have here in the house.  

Sister Jenson does all the mending for the temple and is very talented.
These three huipiles became 6 table runners.
Here are two of the table runners we made.
Here is close up of table runners.  Part huipil from San Martin part huipil from Chichi.
We gave Sister Jenson a table runner for teaching us how to sew table runners.
Wednesday we did the morning shift and had presidency meeting.  Thursday we had the afternoon shift.  Friday we had zone conference for the senior missionaries.  I was asked along with President Shumway from the South Mission to speak.  I received many compliments and thank yous and felt like I had done a good job.  We came home and figured out how to make a pillow cover watching You Tube and made a couple of pillows with some of the fabric we had purchased.  We went to bed at 8:30pm because we had the 4:00am shift on Saturday.  Saturday afternoon, after our shift, we made some more pillows.  

Here are the 10 pillows and a table runner that we made.

The top huipil became a big pillow and the back to a different pillow.  The bottom huipil become 4 pillows.
This is one of the huipils I bought last week.  It is from Santiago Atitlan.  
This was the leftover part of the huipil from Santiago and we made the pillow back to a panel with Mayan figures.
This is the front of the pillow
We made two matching pillows from a huipil we bought in Nebaj two years ago. 
The huipil that I bought last week in San Martin from Comalalpa made 4 pillows.
Mom bought a bunch of panels in Santiago Atitlan with birds about a year ago and we made some of them into pillows.
Some of the backs were plain.
Another bird pillow.
Sunday we were suppose to go to Motagua for their district conference.  During the week, I had called President Christensen to find out if we needed to be there for the Saturday afternoon meetings and found out that they had changed the conference to the previous weekend, but didn’t remember to tell me.  I was quite disappointed because we have not been to that district and we won’t have another opportunity to go.  So Sunday we went to our home ward and after the meetings they had a “Linger Longer“ for Father’s Day and everyone brought pot luck.   Mom made sweet and sour meatballs and they were a hit.  

Linger Longer after church.
The Jensons and mom at the Linger Longer.
I got in a nap Sunday afternoon and we talked to our kids.  We had a great week making table runners and pillows, going to zone conference and doing our shifts at the temple.  We are still wondering how we got here, but are thankful for the many wonderful experiences we are having.


Merlene said...

Well you have now found your business for when you are released. You may have to make multiple trips to Guatemala for materials, however. Great job!

Unknown said...

Wow! Impressive! I was
Wondering how much luggage you are allowed to take. I hope you can take with you all the beautiful things you bought. And no doubt you both are extremely talented.
Love from Cochabamba Bolivia.