July 27th through August 2nd: Monday we were able to
get some more shopping done and I made a trip to
Farmington to the DMV to get a temporary tag for the Xterra. I didn’t know that I needed proof of
insurance. So I will have to make the
trip again tomorrow. Monday evening we,
meaning all of our family, went to the Belnap’s home in Kaysville for a
BBQ. Paul and Liz are old high school
friends of mine. Our children are the
same ages and we have taken family vacations together. All of our kids and grandkids made it. We were missing 1 son in law who had to fly
to Mexico City that morning. All of Paul
and Liz’s kids and grandkids made it except Heidi who is a nurse and couldn’t
get off work. It was great fun to see
all of them again and catch up on their lives. Paul saddled up one of his horses and gave
rides to all the grandkids.
Mostly the Normans waiting their turn for the horse ride. |
Kimball and Jake |
Abby and Stan and of course Paul. |
Willa and Xela |
James and Emme. Emme cried to get on the horse and then cried and didn't want to be on the horse. |
Rigby after Emme got off.
We ate them
out of house and home.
Sitting around talking after a great meal. |
We had a great game of Mexican Frisbee. We can’t wait another 20 years to get together;
it was way too much fun.
The game of Mexican Frisbee can be a little dangerous. |
More Mexican Frisbee |
This is not a game of tag you're out. It is an all out war of get all the Frisbees on the other teams side. |
Mexican Frisbee not a game for the weak of heart.
Tuesday, we went back to the DMV and
got the temp tag for the Xterra and also mom and I went to the Drivers License
Division and got our driver licenses renewed.
Both of ours were going to expire during the next 3 years and we had to
make sure they would not expire until after we get home from Guatemala. In the afternoon, I went with Jill, John’s
wife, to Home Depot and bought a lot of the things we are going to need for the
remodel of their bathroom. Wednesday, we went to lunch with my
brother Van and his wife Maude. They
know so many great restaurants. They
love living in downtown Salt Lake and are so much fun to spend time with. I then had a doctor’s appointment to try and
see if I can get off the blood thinner I have been taking for about 9 years
now. There is hope. We then headed down to Utah County. We first went to James’ home to try and get
the Xterra running. It has not been
driven for a year and had 2 flat tires.
Well, with a jump, it started right up and with my air compressor I got
the tires inflated. I drove it to a
tire store and had them check the 2 tires for leaks. They fixed them and said I was good to
go. We then went to Provo for dinner
with Mark and Linda, Chirs’ brother and sister in law. They were at a Genealogy Conference at the
Y. We got all caught up on their kids
and it was a very pleasant evening. Thursday, I did the demo on the
bathroom at John’s house. The old tile
floor with the mesh in the concrete was the worst. I had to get a big hammer drill and use it like
a jack hammer to get the tile out. It
was a very physically demanding job and I about killed myself. I was so tired by the time I got it all up. I did not have the energy to finish the
Before Demo |
Before Demo |
Before Demo |
One and one half hour after demo started. Everything is out but the tile floor. |
Three hours later half the tile floor is out. |
A few hours later the floor is out. |
I did however get the Xterra
inspected and the emissions checked. It
passed except it needs a new windshield.
The guy at the place gave me a card of a company that will come to your
home and replace it. I called them and
for 138 dollars I made an appointment for the next day to get it replaced. Friday,
I got cement board down on the floor and remembered how much my knees don’t
like doing tile work on the floor.
Day 2 the concrete board installed on the floor. It is installed with thin set below the board. |
wind shield got replaced. In the evening we went to dinner with Wally and
Martha, old friends from our time when we lived on Capitol Hill in Salt
Lake. They are great friends and have
promised to visit us in Guatemala. Saturday, I got more cement board
installed in the tub enclosure and some thin set mortar on the back wall of the
tub. That wall is concrete block and I
could not screw the cement board to it.
Day 3 concrete board on the wall and thin set on the exterior wall. |
took Ginny and Sam to lunch and said goodbye to them. They are headed back to California. I made some plans for the fireplace that John
and Jill want remodeled and will get that project going when I have down time
on the bathroom. My body is telling me
that I have used muscles that haven’t been used for some time and they are
revolting and giving me a lot of grief.
I hurt all over. Sunday, we had nice meetings and a
restful afternoon. Mom worked on genealogy
and I tried to get some of the things the church needs from us filled out and
sent into the temple department. We are
still wondering when we are going to get the call from the temple department
telling us that they made a mistake and that there is another John Norman and
they got us mixed up and that we will not be going to Guatemala. We had a nice exchange of emails with the
Hurst’s and I think they are going to ask to come to Guatemala on another
mission. I haven’t heard from the rest
of you. We will be in touch.
1 comment:
Dad. Thank you! You are such a hard worker.
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