April 20th
through April 26th: Monday after mom went to physical therapy,
we went to visit the archeological site of Atzompa. It only takes about 45 minutes to get
there. It is just north of Monte Alban,
the largest ruin in Oaxaca. We had visited
Atzompa about a year ago, but the Penas and the Rays had never been there. It was a fun morning and not too hot.
Atop the first set of stairs at Atzompa. L to R Roesberrys, mom, Rays and Penas. |
In front of one of the pyramids. |
The four women with the ball-court in the background. |
Flowering cactus. |
The flower on the cactus. |
Mom is trying to show how big this one is. |
You can see the city below. |
As I was taking this picture a big bug flew into the flower. Sorry it is out of focus. |
We visited the museum after walking around the ruins. It is small, but quite nice. It has some wonderful artifacts and pottery.
The museum had some wonderful artifacts. |
More artifacts from Atzompa. |
This pot was about 3 feet tall. remember they did not have a potting wheel. |
Not only did the make pots but figures and these were fired in their kilns. |
Jaguar mask. |
We then went to the local artisans
market, where they mostly sell green pottery.
They still make pottery the same way they made it over 1000 years
ago. The kilns are exactly the
same. Atzompa has one of the few intact
ancient kilns. It could probably still
be used today. We had lunch in the restaurant
next to the market. The men sat and
waited for the food and the woman shopped.
Mom bought a tree of life without Adam and Eve and the serpent and a few
other pieces of the green pottery.
Mom shopping at the artisans market. Yes she found things to buy. |
Tuesday and Wednesday were ground hog
days (meaning there was no difference in what we did as to what we always do on
Tuesday and Wednesday). Thursday we had no groups coming so we
had invited the Relief Society from the 4 stakes to come to a special session
at 10:00am. Each stake was supposed to
send 2 men. We had about 90 people come.
So we had a full session and we did 2 sessions of sealings. I did one of them and Pres. Pena did the
other. It was a very nice morning.
The side entrance to the Santo Domingo church. We had to make a trip downtown to get my blood checked. |
we had 6 buses come and were busy till closing. We went to dinner with the Atkinsons. They took us to a steak house and I had the
best steak I have had here in Mexico. That
might not be saying much, but I really enjoyed it. Saturday one of the local
stakes wanted an early morning session.
We opened the temple at 4:00 am and filled a 5:00 am endowment session
and had enough people to do a sealing session.
At 5:00 am, 3 buses arrived and we got the regular sessions going at
6:30am. We had 3 sealings after one of
the morning sessions and President Atkinson asked me to do two of the
three. What an honor and a privilege it
is to perform these sacred ordinances. I
had a wonderful morning.
This is one of the couples I sealed on Saturday, The other couple is the brides parents. |
I was worried about not waking up in time to
get to the temple at 4:00am so my body clock woke me up at 2:00am. I was exhausted and went home at 1:00pm and
took a nap. We had a movie night at our
house in the evening. We rented at
Blockbuster, yes they still have them here in Mexico. I hooked up the projector and showed it on
the wall of our apartment and we watched The
Book Thief. The Rays and the Roesberrys watched it with
us. Sunday
we went to church at the El Bosque ward.
In the afternoon we had a two hour training meeting for all of the
sealers. It was a very nice meeting and
we had a great discussion on the power to seal.
The weeks continue to fly by. We
miss our kids and grandkids, but feel we are making a small difference in the
lives of the people we come in contact with here in Oaxaca. We are starting to think about where we would
like to serve next and what we might want to do and when we might want to
go. It is exciting to think about
getting to know another city and another place we will call home for a
They are ready to pour the floor or the roof not sure which it will be yet. |
The poured the floor of another house going up across the street from us.
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