September 29th through
October 5th: Monday we went to lunch with the Penas to a
restaurant owned by one of the sister shift coordinators. We had some interesting dishes, octopus and
pigs feet to name a couple. Mom couldn’t
believe that I was able to eat the pig’s foot. It was really just skin and
Lunch at Sister Leon's resturant. L to R President Pena, Sister Leon, mom and Sister Pena. |
This is octopus. It was really tasty. |
I forgot to get a picture of the pig's feet. |
We only had one group come from
Cuernavaca on Friday.
The days are getting shorter and it is quite dark when we go to the temple to meet the groups. |
One of the most beautiful sunrises that we have seen in a long time. |
Being conference weekend, I think that really
slowed things down. The temple was
closed on Saturday for conference
and so we went to breakfast with President Atkinson and his wife and the
Penas. It was fun to sit and talk for a
couple of hours. We watched conference
on the computer and had a good connection as long as we watched it while lying
on the bed next to the router. I made a
batch of chocolate chip cookies and then I went to the priesthood session and
watched it with some North American Elders in the stake secretary’s
office. It was on the internet just like
at our apartment. Sunday we watched it in our apartment again. Conference was great and it was nice to be able
to listen to all the sessions. I was
really impressed with the talk in the priesthood session on making decisions
that are consistent with our goals. We
got to talk to most of our kids and everyone seems to be doing well. That is such a relief.
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