Quito, Ecuador Temple

Quito, Ecuador Temple
Here is where we will be working until Feb. 2023


Dear Readers,

We hope as you read this blog of our mission to the Quito, Ecuador temple you will feel the joy and happiness we are experiencing by being in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you can experience some of what we feel. Christine and I met in Quito, Ecuador 51 years ago while serving as missionaries. We are going home.

John and Christine

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 7th through May 14th:

May 7th through May 14th:  This last week has been jam-packed with lots of goodbye dinners and family activities.  Wednesday we spent the day buying last minute things and packing.  In the afternoon we went to Evan’s, Charlotte’s oldest son, second grade class and talked and showed pictures about Bolivia.  They were so energetic and interested in what we had to say. 

Evan's class.

Thursday, I made the last trip to the storage unit and somehow got about 10 more boxes in.  We had boxed up a lot of the things we had been using in our bedroom.  The stake presidency came over at 6:00pm to set us apart.  We had invited our children to come and be with us.  Ginny, in California, had to attend via Skype, but was with us none the less.  President Lake asked us to bear our testimonies after we were set apart and I got to talk to most of our grandchildren about why we want to serve another mission.  I explained it was because we knew we would be taught more about how we can return and live with our Father in Heaven and that I wanted to be able to teach them the things I learned because I wanted them to be with me in heaven.  It was a very sweet experience and the setting aparts and blessings were very personalized and helped us both get ready to serve. 

R to L  Pres. Gibbons, Pres. Lake, Pres. Child, mom and me.
We got to put on our name tags after being set apart.

We then had pizza and root bear floats for dinner.  We ended with one last family prayer that I got to give.  Friday, we went to Miles’ kindergarten program at school.  They sang all about what they had learned and done all year.  It was very cute and fun to be included. 

Miles and his program.

I had one last dentist appointment to see how my implant is doing.  He is worried that it won’t take and so he made me a flapper.  This is a kind of bridge in case the implant has to come so that one of my front teeth is not missing.  We went to dinner at Wally and Martha Cooper’s house.  They are dear friends from when we lived on Capitol Hill when we were first married.  He is restoring another house on Quince Street and it was fun to walk through it and see what all he is doing.  He is a perfectionist and is sparing no expense.  We talked and talked and didn’t get home until 10:30pm.  I know it is shocking that I stayed up so late!
L to R Wally, Martha Cooper and mom.
Saturday, I got up early and went to John’s house and made Swedish pancakes for them.  I hurried back and did the same thing at Charlotte’s.  The grandkids love it when I will make pancakes for them.  We then hurried over to Woods Cross High for Ellie’s (John’s daughter) dance dress rehearsal.  She was a darling lady bug.  She was so excited and it was fun to watch her. 

Ellie as the lady bug.
Ellie is the one on the right end with the very pointed toes.

We finished packing and then checked into the Radisson Hotel in Salt Lake City.  Charles and Jeanie Bennett, old friends from our ward on 17th Avenue picked us up and took us to dinner.  It was a lovely evening and so enjoyable to talk and catch up with them.  I was their home teacher for over 15 years.  Most of their children only have memories of me as their home teacher.  They are a great family and great friends.  We love them. 

L to R. Charles, Jennie, mom and me.

Sunday, we got up and went to Music and the Spoken Word at the tabernacle on Temple Square.  It was nice to be there for mother’s day and Chris thought a lot about her mother and the many years that she sang in the Choir. 

At the tabernacle.
After Music and the Spoken Word these sweet sisters from all over the world were introducing themselves to the crowds in their native tongue.

We then hurried up to LDS Hospital and attended sacrament meeting with my brother Van and his wife Maude.  They are assigned to that dependent branch.  They love those meetings--30 minutes long.  We then went out to Kate’s house and went to Relief Society Meeting with her.  She was teaching and had asked mom to help her with her lesson.  So mom talked and bore her testimony at the close of her lesson.  It was a beautiful lesson and full of the Spirit.  We then drove to Charlotte’s and worked on getting dinner ready.  We took all the food over to John’s house and cooked there.  We cooked salmon for everyone, for one last family dinner.    We enjoyed so much being with our kids, except Ginny, who is in California.  

Sunday dinner.
Sunday dinner.

We played some CEO (card game) to finish off the evening.  James then drove us back to the hotel.  He then drove our car to his house to store it for the next 18 months.  We had a very busy day but it was filled with so much joy and happiness for us.  Monday, we reported to the temple at 8:00am and spent the day being instructed by our old temple president and his wife, President and Sister Walker.  We served under them for the 3 years that they presided over the Salt Lake Temple.  She is the oldest daughter of President Hinckley and she is so fun and entertaining.  The big take away was to treat everyone with “loving kindness” and to be careful of “temple drift”.  This is a term they used to describe rules that have no purpose and inhibit the Spirit.  An example: in Bolivia they said that the sisters could not wear their name tags if they were representing a deceased person during an ordinance.  This is a made-up rule by someone, but in fact is not a rule.  There were many examples of “temple drift”.  Before dinner Charlotte’s family visited us at our hotel. 

Miles, Evan and me taking our picture in the mirror of our hotel room.

Then Tom Stites picked us up and we had dinner with him and his wife, Merritt.  Merritt is a very dear friend and colleague of Chris’.  They met in graduate school and had a clinical practice together for 17 years.  They are very fun and interesting and we loved being with them one last time.  They promised to come and visit us in Oaxaca next January. 

L to R, me, Tom, Merritt and mom.

Tuesday, we spent the day in the temple again and enjoyed the instruction and Spirit of this work.  We had had to cancel a dinner appointment with Paul and Liz Belnap because Paul is a Bishop and had a meeting with the Stake President come up.  So I convinced Chris that we should walk to Crown Burger for one last burger.  She had agreed if I would first walk through the Church History Museum.  While we were at the museum, Paul called and said that his meeting had been moved back and asked if we could leave right then for dinner.  So he picked us up and Liz got to the restaurant and ordered before we got there.  We sat down and they brought the food.  Paul had to leave right after dinner but we chatted with Liz for a time and then she drove us back to Salt Lake and our hotel.  We loved seeing these dear friends.  Paul was my best man and best friend in High School.  We traveled through Europe together after High School Graduation.  We have traveled to Mexico together with our families.  They are our oldest and dearest friends and we love them. 

L to R. me, mom, Liz and Paul Belnap.

Wednesday, our last day in temple training was wonderful.  We even got a tour of the temple.  To go up to the 5th floor and see the Solemn Assembly room and the room where James E. Talmadge wrote Jesus the Christ is not only interesting, but it is inspiring.  The workmanship and beauty of that temple is so wonderful. 

Beautiful flowers and we are ready to go.

We were done early and Charlotte came and picked us up.  We then spent the rest of the afternoon and evening packing.  I had left my glasses at the temple so we also made a quick trip to Salt Lake to get them.  I can’t believe I forgot them.  Am I getting old or what?  It is early in the morning and we get on a plane in a few hours.  Oaxaca here we come.


Sam said...

We love you guys! Safe flight and see you in july!

Unknown said...

Que les vayan bien. Did I get that right?