Saturday, March 2nd:
We flew back to Cochabamba and arrived at the temple just before
noon. We had to hurry and get ready for
the going away party for the Cortes, the Colombian couple who are finishing
their mission and flying home tomorrow.
We had a pot luck lunch and played the musical spoon game one more time,
because it is Sister Cortes’ favorite game.
Good food and it was nice to honor this faithful couple. When they arrived at the temple, they made
the goal to attend a session every day, either before or after their shift, and
they did it. Sister Cortes explained
that it would take them 19 hours in an open air bus to get from their city to
the temple in Bogota, so she was determined to make the most of living a few
steps from the temple. They also came
with 4,500 names of their ancestors and finished all the temple ordinances for
every one. They are a real example to
all of us.
Elder and Sister Cortez. |
Good-bye party for the Cortez. |
Elder Cabrera thanking the Cortezes. |
Listening to Elder Cabrera thank the Cortezes. |
After lunch I got ready for
the Jaihuayco Stake conference. Pres.
Dyer, the mission president, picked me up a little before 4:00 pm and we headed
for the stake center.
President Dyer and yours truly before the Preisthood session. |
This is the first
stake conference that I have gone to where an area seventy is presiding. Elder Camargo from Colombia gave us each,
Pres. Dyer and I, 15 minutes to speak in the priesthood session. He had asked if our wives could come early
and meet with him before the adult session.
We all met in the high council room and had some snacks. He told us that we each (Pres. Dyer, his
wife, mom and I) had 10 minutes and could we speak about real life experiences
where we had overcome problems and to give them hope and to try and edify the
people. I don’t have a talk in my quiver
about this topic. Mom was first and
talked about how Father in Heaven is mindful of us and answers our prayers. I
followed her and started by saying that this year we will have been married 40
years and that as I think about all those years I am sure some of them were
good. I got a laugh. But then I
explained that we had a year when Ginny was born where she was in the hospital
for months and that afterward we worried about and prayed for her for years. Then there was the year I fell off a 2 story
house and broke my wrist and had 3 operations and that I was out of work for
that year. I also explained that we had
gone to a marriage counselor and that at one point he had asked, “Why don’t you
just get divorced”. We both said, “That
is not an option. We have made covenants to God and to each other and we will
find a way to resolve our problems.” I
then talked about hope and faith and that we must never lose these. When we are having challenges in our lives we
have to believe that they will pass and we will be ok in the end. After the meeting, Elder Camargo told us that
we had “hit it out of the stadium”. He
had to explain to me what he meant. We
had hit a home run and had done a great job.
He is a great teacher and very kind and loving. Not what I expected. He is built much like I am and he put his arm
around me and I felt his love.
Sunday, March 2nd: We
got a ride with the Dyers to conference.
Waiting for the Sunday morning session to begin. |
The stake choir. |
Elder Camargo asked us to each take 10 minutes and I told the stories of
the 12 year old boy from Vermejo who came to do the work for his parents and to
be sealed to them and the story of the bus with no windshield and the 3 sisters
who were part of the 5 couples from Cobija.
There was a sweet Spirit and again after the meeting Elder Camargo was
so kind and said we had set the tone for the conference. Yesterday, we received an invitation to eat
dinner at the Dyers with her sister and brother-in-law, the Wilsons, and Brother
and Sister Garcia, one of the counselors in the mission presidency. After the meeting Elder Camargo said he would
like to see the temple. I said, “Well
you are talking to the right guy. I have
a key to the temple.” The Dyers then invited him to eat lunch with us. We had a great meal and then Elder Camargo
and I walked down to the temple.
left to right, Pres. Dyer, Sister Dyer, Brother Wilson above, Elder
Camargo in front, Sister Wilson, Me, Mom, Sister Garcia, and Brother
Garcia. |
I had
mentioned when we got home from conference to the guard that I would be returning
with Elder Camargo to go into the temple.
When we arrived at the guard house, Bishop Hinojosa one of the temple
employees was there to greet us and he turned on the lights and escorted us
through the temple. He explained that
everything was a mess because of all the work they are doing but Elder Camargo
said “I am a civil engineer and very comfortable with construction.” Elder Camargo commented on the beauty of the
temple and the fine workmanship of the woodwork and the tile work. The new carpet will be a great addition.
Elder Camargo and John in front of the temple. |
We then went to the patron housing building
and Elder Camargo met with 6 of his missionaries who served under him when he
was mission president in the Bogota North Mission. Pres. Dyer then drove him to the
airport. It was a great weekend spent
with a true servant of the Lord.
Sounds like some great meetings
Thanks dad.
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