The birthday dinner.
November 21st: Today was census day. We had our census taker spend about 15 minutes
with us as we answered the many pages of questions. Everyone in the patron housing building was
done by 10:00am so we decided to move up thanksgiving dinner to 4:30pm. All the North Americans are meeting at Pres.
Dyer’s house for dinner. Mom has
assigned everyone something to bring. We
are making the dressing and then I will go up and make the gravy. The Dyers are cooking the turkey. Thanksgiving dinner was the best. The food was great and everyone had a good
Thanksgiving Dinner |
More Thanksgiving Dinner |
Everyone says Hi!
After dinner the Dyers showed a
video about gratitude and then mom passed out pieces of paper in the shape of
the number 4. On one side it said “I am
thankful” and on the other side it had a word like tree and the person who
selected this one would then have to tell about what tree he or she was
thankful for. There were some very
interesting ones and some very spiritual ones.
But all in all it was a nice way to end our Wednesday thanksgiving day
November 23rd: We
worked the morning shift and in the afternoon I went to the dentist. I am starting to have a problem with a
tooth. The dentist thinks that I might
have a cavity under the old amalgam filling.
So next week they will take out the old filling and if I have a cavity
and it is too close to the nerve I will have to have a root canal. Not a happy thing. But if I have to have it done, at least it
will cost about one fifth of what it would cost in the states. We went to a surprise birthday party for
Brother Quiroga who is one of our temple workers. He is a former stake president form Sucre but
now lives here in Cochabamba. His
daughter is married to Jimmy Vasquez who will be speaking to us tomorrow in our
devotional for the temple workers. The surprise
party is at Jimmy’s home. Well the
Perezes and mom and I went up to the temple and met Pres. Crayk and Connie at
about 7:30pm. Pres. Crayk had gotten
some directions from Jimmy. We were off
and drove to where we had been to told to go and then Pres. Crayk was to call
Jimmy and he would meet us where he had told us to drive to and then he would
lead us to his house. No answer on his
phone. So we drive around and ask people
if they know of the street named such and such.
No, no one knows where that street is.
Pres. Crayk keeps trying to call Jimmy, no answer; he calls the temple
and talks to Johny Candia. Finally Jimmy
calls the temple and tells them to tell us to sit tight he will come and get
us. We finally arrive at about
8:30pm. We miss the surprise part. They have been waiting for us to serve
Mom and I at the Birthday Party. |
Brother and Sister Quiroga |
Brother and Sister Jimmy Vasquez |
We sit down and start to eat and
then a mariachi band arrives and serenades us.
The Mariachi Band and Brother Quiroga's Birthday Party |
It is so loud you can hardly have a conversation. Then people start dancing.
The trumpets were somethings else!
Brother and Sister Perez they are from Venezuela. |
Pres. and Sister Crayk dancing to the Mariachi Band. Sorry Pres. I had to put this in. |
Sorry Pres. Crayk too cute.
After the band leaves they serve the cake and
they have a tradition that the birthday person has to take a bite out of the
cake before it can be cut. Well, as the
person is taking a bite, someone else pushes their head into the cake. I think you get the picture of what their
face looks like after this happens. What
a cultural experience. Home about
Brother Quiroga gets the first bite of his cake. |
November 25th:
President Crayk assigned us to go to the Sacaba ward today. It is a new ward in the new Sacaba
stake. Before the stake was formed from the
University stake it was a branch. But it
was made a ward when the stake was created.
It is the only ward in the city that meets in a rented house. We were driven by one of the temple security. It is quite a ways out and we would not have
found it without a driver. The sacrament
meeting was the primary program, Haz tu lo Justo, Choose the right. So I didn’t
get a chance to give a message. There
were about 20 kids in the primary and they were so cute.
Mom and 3 of the primary girls from the Sacaba ward. |
Priesthood meeting was on the second floor
and the young men and young women met on the third floor. This was a very large building, but it is made
out of cement and not entirely finished.
The main room is tall and narrow and the sound reverberates off the
walls. But, it has much more room than
the ward house in Tiquipaya. We can home
and had some lunch and then we went to the temple for the devotional for all
the temple workers. What a great meeting. I gave the opening prayer. Jimmy Vasquez, the director of seminaries and
institutes, spoke about walls and the need to fortify our spiritual walls. Pres. Crayk spoke and did a great job. He had just finished a stake conference and
talked a little about his new idea to give a polished rock to everyone in the
Cobija stake, the stake he was at that morning, who would commit to come to the
temple in 2013 on a more regular basis. Our
concluding speaker was Elder Cabrera. He
did a great job of thanking the workers for their service and Pres. Diaz gave
the benediction. It really was a nice
November 26th: We went
to La Cancha today. Pres. Crayk needed
to stock up on polished rocks. He bought
42 sacks of 20 rocks per sack. That’s
840 rocks for you math challenged folks.
He plans on giving these away to everyone in every stake in Cochabamba that
will make the commitment to come to the temple on a more regular basis in
2013. We wandered around La Cancha
looking for buttons and toys for the orphanage.
Those of you who have followed our blog for a year now, remember that
every year for Christmas, the temple missionaries go to this orphanage for children
with disabilities. We always try and
bring gifts that the kids can play with and will not get destroyed too quickly
and then we also try and help do some kind of major project for the facility. This year we are trying to raise enough money
to replace the metal gates at the front of the facility. They have to stack
things in front of the gates because some of the children try and climb under
them. If any of you would like to help
in our efforts to provide a little Christmas for these kids who have nothing,
we would appreciate it and you could send a check made out to my daughter: Charlotte McBean, 656 East 250 North,
Bountiful, Utah, 84010. She will deposit
it in our account and I will make sure it is used to help these kids. I have posted some pictures of last
Sister Ahlstrom handing out some presents for the kids. |
The tables we bought last year for them to eat on. |
Sister Cardon talking to one of the orphans. |
After 3 hours at La Chancha we hit Burger King and on the way home
we stopped and had ice cream. If you
thought we were done for the day you would be mistaken. After dropping off all our purchases we went
and saw “Breaking Dawn 2”. Now that was
a full P-Day.
November 27th: I went
up for my turn for the first hour and then we had Pres. Meeting. President Crayk was all ready to make
assignments to all of us to go this Sunday to every ward in Cobica stake and
hand out polished rocks. His best laid
plans were thwarted by el Dia de Peaton, the day of walking. This coming Sunday is another day when you can’t
drive your car and there is no public transportation. If you go anywhere you have to walk. And the following week there is a stake
conference in La Paz and also a coordinating council meeting here in
Cochabamba. He really wants to get the
rocks to the wards so we will ask the Bishops to come to the temple sometime
this week and we will talk to them about the commitment and ask them to hand
out the rocks to those in their wards who will make the commitment to come to
the temple on a more regular basis this next year. My dentist appointment did not go so
well. After waiting 30 minutes, I asked
for a new appointment. I still don’t
have much patience. So next Monday we
will try again.
November 28th: This
morning on our shift, the sealer, Brother Candia, said that he had to leave to
take a family member to the doctor. So
he officiated the first session and then left.
So I became the sealer. After the
first session, I sealed for an hour with patrons, from Santa Cruz and La Paz,
who had been on the first session. Then
there was a young couple from La Paz who were married on Monday and had now
come to be sealed. This has got to be the best part of being in the
Presidency. This young couple was so
cute and both had joined the church when they were young around 10. He was a returned missionary and his parents
were there. She had her sister and her
husband. I can’t describe the emotions
and feelings, but sitting here remembering, tears are flowing down my cheeks. I had put a roast in the crock pot before
going to the temple and mom had put baked potatoes in the oven. So we invited the Vallenases and Sister
Castilla to lunch. Sister Castilla goes
home this Saturday to Argentina after completing her mission and we wanted to
say good bye. We had a nice lunch with
1 comment:
So how did you like Breaking Dawn? Love you!
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