Quito, Ecuador Temple
Here is where we will be working until Feb. 2023
Dear Readers,
We hope as you read this blog of our mission to the Quito, Ecuador temple you will feel the joy and happiness we are experiencing by being in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you can experience some of what we feel. Christine and I met in Quito, Ecuador 51 years ago while serving as missionaries. We are going home.
John and Christine
We hope as you read this blog of our mission to the Quito, Ecuador temple you will feel the joy and happiness we are experiencing by being in the service of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you can experience some of what we feel. Christine and I met in Quito, Ecuador 51 years ago while serving as missionaries. We are going home.
John and Christine
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
November 10th
November 10th: We got up early and went to the temple a little after 6:00am to help get everything ready for the early morning session. I then drove Pres. Crayk and his wife to the airport. They are going to Sucre for a stake conference this weekend. Since they are out of town we got the assignment to go and speak to a ward youth conference for the Jaihuayco ward. The bishop works at the temple in the cleaning department. I had one of the office workers call him on Thursday and ask for directions to Los Molles, the place where the conference would be held. He said he wasn’t exactly sure but would get back to us. We didn’t get a call, so on Friday I asked someone else in the office if they knew where Los Molles was and how to get there. He said that if it was where he thought, he could get a map off the internet for me. Sure enough, before we left for the airport a map was on my desk. It looked like it was somewhere above Tiquipaya in the foothills of the mountains that surround Cochabamba. We found the road that led up into the foothills. As we passed the end of the bus line that ran up this hill, there was a couple walking with one small child. They kind of flagged us down and asked for a ride. I asked if they knew where Los Molles was and they said yes, that that was where they wanted to go. So they climbed in and directed us up the mountain. It took maybe 15 minutes from where we picked them up so they really would have had a long walk if we had not happened along. There are no coincidences in life. We needed to go to the conference and talk to the youth and we didn’t know where it was and so the Lord provided us a guide. We had been assigned to speak at 11:00am and we arrived at about 10 minutes to 11:00am and the youth were on a break. They had name tags for us that they put around our necks and gave us a drink of soda. Los Molles is kind of a place where you can go and stay and be out in nature. They had rented a building that had two large dormitories one for the boys and one for the girls. It had a kitchen and then a big room where there were tables for eating and they had set up the tables so all the youth faced the fire place. They had asked us to talk about the importance of preparing to go on a mission. Mom spoke about her mission for about 15 minutes and did a great job of bringing the Spirit. I then talked for 40 minutes on the changes in the missionary age and how many young women will now also be planning on a mission, not just waiting to see if they get married before deciding to serve or not. Then I talked about the importance of preparing and how they need to know the Doctrine of Christ. I then taught them about the Doctrine of Christ as found in 2 Nephi Chapter 31. I was on a roll and really had them with me. The Spirit was strong and we left feeling totally energized.
Youth Conference |
We then went home and had a bite to eat and went to the temple for our shift.
November 11th: Since I had the car, we took the Eames to the Tiquipaya ward for church. I was asked to sit on the stand and while sitting there was asked if I would give a talk. I was the concluding speaker and since I had not come with any of my talks, I gave my talk about Dulce from memory. Mom said it was one of the best talks I have given. I certainly had some help with that one. I had put a roast in the crock pot and when we got home I made gravy but since we had forgotten to buy potatoes I made rice and had gravy over rice. The gravy was good and we had enough left over so we can buy potatoes and have leftovers for a few days.
November 12th: We had a fun FHE tonight. The Eames were in charge and had asked every couple prepare a 1 minute presentation on a chapter of the Book of Mormon in a way that would be unforgettable. Some of the skits and ideas were so clever and it really was a lot of fun. We did Moroni 10 which talks about the gifts of the Spirit (and also the promise of the Book or Mormon). So mom had printed all the gifts of the Spirit on a slip of paper and we had rolled them up and everyone picked their gift from a bag and then read it. We also learned hand signals for the 10 commandments from the Kennedys, the Johnsons acted out the Garden of Eden, the Crayks gave everyone clear stones to light our boats, and the Hursts had us blindfolded and holding onto a rope to demonstrate listening to the Spirit. The Cardons performed an original song, set to the music of Gilligan’s Isle.
Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip,
That started from the Sinai,
Aboard this tiny ship. (they held up a reed boat from lake Titicaca)
Nephi was a man of God,
A prophet with a plan,
The Israelites set sail that day,
For the Promised Land. For the Promised Land.
The weather started getting rough,
The tiny ship was tossed,
Nephi’s brothers tied him to the mast,
They thought that all was lost. They thought that all was lost.
The ship set ground on the shore of this unchartered Promised Land,
With Sariah,
And Lehi too,
Ishmael and his wife,
Their daughters too,
Zoram, Sam and the rest,
Here in…………the Promised Land.
So this is the tale of Lehi’s clan,
They’re here for a long, long time,
They’ll have to make the best of things,
With kids fighting all the time.
Nephi and his followers,
Will do whatever they can,
To follow God’s commandments here
In the Promised Land.
No homes, no wine, no dancing girls,
Not a single luxury,
Like Moses in the desert land,
As primitive as can be.
So here we are this week my friends,
Many miles from our homes,
Still trying to spread the gospel here
November 13th: I went up and did initiatory this morning and then we had presidency meeting. We then went to lunch with the Crayks and then Pres. Crayk and I went to the airport to pick up the Dibbs. They are a couple who have been serving in the La Paz mission. The altitude finally got to them and they asked to finish their mission here at the temple. So they will be with us until April. I then went back up and did initiatory for the first hour of the afternoon shift. I hurried home because we had invited Christian and Lillian to dinner. I taught Lillian to make beef and bean burritos. We then had dinner and talked. They seem so happy. This is the couple who we taught the temple prep classes to and then I had the honor of sealing last month. The week after they were married, Christian was called as second counselor in the Bishopric in the Tiquipaya ward. He is 24 years old.
November 14th: We were on the morning shift today. Mom and I have been studying Preach my Gospel. We take turns reading in Spanish and English. We can only do 3 or 4 pages a day. But we are learning new words and it is good Spanish and Gospel study.
November 15th: We took the Dibbs shopping this morning. They need to buy stuff for their apartment and don’t know where to go. We then worked the afternoon shift. We have been concentrating for the first part of every shift on initiatory and the men have the goal to do at least 50 names each shift. I had noticed that the morning shift had done about 65 names and I had counted that we had done over 80. For some reason, I walked into the office and looked at the computer and asked how many initiatory had been completed. Brother Candia, the assistant recorder, said 117. I said, “That is not the right number.” I knew it had to be over 140. We went back and took all the pages that he had recorded and found 4 pages that had not been recorded. It is amazing to me how random things that we do are not really random at all, but the Spirit guiding us. I don’t remember how many times I have looked to see how many names the morning shift has done, but it is fewer than 5 times, and to then realize that there is a problem and find the problem and correct it is truly a testament to the fact that this is God’s work and that He is directing it and will help it be done correctly if we will follow His guidance.
November 16th: We were off today. This evening we went and did a session with the Tiquipaya ward. It is their ward conference this weekend and we wanted to be with them, but I will be speaking this Sunday in another ward. The temple missionary choir is going to the University Ward and it is my turn to give the talk from the temple presidency.
November 17th: We were up early today and at the temple by 6:15am. We worked the morning shift and we had pretty good attendance. We had a number of sealings, all at the same time, so I sealed a young couple and it was very special and such a privilege to be able to do this. One of our coordinators, Sister Cardozo’s mother died yesterday and the funeral is this afternoon. She is the lady that has made me a couple of white shirts. Mom really wanted to go and support her. So we took a taxi to the cemetery and then waited for over an hour for everyone to arrive. We were told it was at 3:30pm and we arrived on time, but they didn’t show up till almost 5:00pm. Later we realized that the funeral had probably stated at the funeral home at 3:30pm, but something got lost in translation and we went straight to the cemetery. It was very similar to what would happen in the states. We had a movie night at the Cardon’s and watched “New in Town” and ate popcorn.
November 18th: This morning the Temple Choir is performing so I drove President Crayk’s car and he drove the pickup truck and we took as many of the missionaries as we could squeeze into the cars to the University ward. The rest had to take public transportation. But we all arrived on time. We had a good meeting. I felt good about my talk but the meeting went over and I probably should have cut my talk short. We then came home and mom wanted to use up the cabbage we had so I found a recipe for chicken, cabbage and apples. We got a call from the Cardons that they had shrimp po boy sandwiches and we decided to share and then we got a call from Sister Crayk saying she had made Navajo tacos and so we all took what we had made and went to the Caryk’s home for a feast.
November 19th: We started our day with a meeting of all the missionaries in the patron housing building to prepare us for how to answer all the questions that will be asked on Wednesday during the national census. The government is going to try and have a census taker (a university student) visit EVERY HOME IN BOLIVIA on November 21, 2012. This is like a 8 page form with over 50 questions. All businesses, schools, offices will be closed, there will be no public transportation and EVERYONE is required to stay at home. The temples security workers must have a permit to come to work and to drive their car. Have you ever heard of shutting down a country to do a census??? I’m am quite dubious about their ability to interview 7-8 million people in one day—especially in the rural areas. But they are going to give it a shot. We had our monthly activity today, a BBQ at Elder Cabrera’s home. I spent the morning cooking wings. We had a great time and everyone seemed to enjoy it.
Part of our group at the BBQ. |
Elder and Sister Cabrera. |
Mom missed half of me. |
View of the temple from Elder Cabrera's house. |
The party continues.
November 20th: We went shopping early for stuff to make dressing for our thanksgiving dinner that we are going to have tomorrow after the census. No one can leave their houses tomorrow during the census. We had presidency meeting and then for lunch, leftover wings. Yum Yum. We worked the afternoon shift.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
October 29th and Tarija
October 29th: Today was P-day. I played racquet ball this morning, then I
blogged for a few hours. In the afternoon
I drove Mom out to Tiquipaya so she could do her visiting teaching.
October 31th: We had presidency meeting this morning and I
got my reservation for this weekend’s trip to Tarija. We had the Crayks to lunch and after lunch,
Pres. Crayk drove us to BOA, the Bolivian Airline and I bought a ticket for mom
so she could go with me to the stake conference in Tarija.
November 1st: We worked the morning shift today and afterward
Pres. Crayk called and asked us if we could talk to a group of people from
Puno, Peru. We said, “Sure”, so we spent the afternoon preparing to
speak that evening and also preparing new talks for the
stake conference in Tarija. The talks
went very well and the people from Puno were very grateful that we would take
the time to talk to them.
The group from Puno, Peru. |
November 2nd: I spent the morning finishing my new talk on
the meaning of the word sweet, as in “Sweet is the work”. The patron housing is
full and the temple was very busy today.
We did more than 2200 ordinances.
November 3rd. I went
up early to help with the early session.
Pres. Crayk is going to Oruro by car to another Stake Conference later
today and we have to be to the airport by 10:30am for our flight to
Tarija. We had to leave things in the
hands of the recorder, Elder Cabrera, until Pres. Diaz would get there at
1:00pm. Our flight was only an hour and
uneventful. We were met at the airport
by President Copa, the second counselor, who drove us to our hotel.
View from our hotel of Tarija. |
He said someone would be back to pick us up
at 3:30pm and drive us to the Priesthood Session. We got settled and had lunch at the hotel.
The hotel is kind of a resort and is very nice.
We went to the lobby at 3:00pm just in case someone showed up
early. No chance. At 4:10pm President Copa drove up and said
that President Duran, the stake
president, had problems at work and could not get away when he had wanted to and
so he had called President Copa to please pick us up because he was going to be
late. We arrived at 4:25pm. Mom found a room and we went into the chapel
and waited until the person speaking finished.
While we were sitting there Pres. Duran showed up and the three of us
walked up to the stand after the speaker finished. But in the end everything worked out ok. I gave my talk on sacrifice and I felt like
the Spirit was there and that it was well received. We then had an hour to kill between
sessions. I walked to the corner store
and bought bottled water for the hotel. The
adult session began at 7:00 pm and Mom gave the best talk I have ever heard her
give in Spanish. She talked about having
the light of the gospel in our faces. I
spoke about what we can do in order to have a better experience when we come to
the temple. I have given this talk now a
few times and it is starting to feel very natural. It was a nice meeting. We got back to the hotel about 10:00pm. We had been told that we would be speaking
to the JAS group, young single adults at 7:30am in the morning and they wanted
us to speak about marriage. So we both
had to figure out new talks. They said
we both had 20 min.
November 4th: Up early and we were picked up at 7:00am. At 7:30am there were about 15 young adults,
so we didn’t really get started until 7:45am when we had maybe 30. By the end of the meeting there were more
than 100. Mom talked and did a great job
and then I started talking about the importance of marriage and when I was done
I had talked for 40 minutes. They had to
skip one of the talks by Pres. Copa. I
apologized for talking so long, but they were very gracious and acted like it
was no big deal. That is what I get for
winging it and talking without knowing exactly want I am going to say. We then held the general session at 10:00am
and I gave my new talk on the work Dulce (Sweet) and used the letters of the
word as the basis for my talk. D was for
Dedicarse a Dios, dedicate yourself to God,
U is for Unirse a los santo o ser uno con ellos y Jesucristo y Dios el Padre, unite
yourself with the saints and be one with them and Jesus Christ and God the
Father. L is for Lavarse o llegarse
limpio, wash yourself or become clean. C
is for Cumplir con sus convenios, keep you covenants. E is for Expiacion, the atonement. I felt like it was very upbeat and explained
how if we do those things we can have that sweet feeling in our hearts and
Stake conference in Tarija. |
The Stake Choir in Tarija.
When we bought mom’s ticket we
found out that there was no space on the plane to return on Sunday, so we changed my ticket and we will both go
back to Cochabamba on Monday. So when the
stake presidency found out that we were not going back this evening, they asked
us to have a Family Home Evening with all the members of the stake presidency,
their wives and children and they wanted us to provide the lesson and they
would fix dinner for us. They took us
back to the hotel about 1:00pm and said that they would be back for us at
5:00pm. We went to Pres. Sullca’s
house. It was very nice and very modern. We had a great dinner. They BBQed some beef and we had potatoes and
Dinner at Pres. Sullca's house. |
We then had a family home
evening. We talked about how hard it is
for the wives and families of leaders of the church to always have their
husbands and fathers gone, but that how when we do it well, we receive many
blessings in our families. It went over
very well and the Spirit was present and strong. We got back to our hotel about 10:00pm.
Pres. Copa and his 2 children. |
Pres. Sullca and his 3 children the one in the blue strip shirt is waiting for his mission call. |
Pres. Duran and 2 of his children he has some that are married. |
Mom and 2 week old Ezikael Copa. |
Ezikael Copa |
November 5th: We had
breakfast at the hotel and arrived back to Cochabamba about 12:30pm. We then went shopping for groceries. We had our combined FHE. Pres. Crayk had asked Elder Cabrera to come
and teach us about the resurrection and how the rock was rolled away not so
that Jesus Christ could leave the tomb but so that we could enter in and
partake of the atonement. He did a much
better job than I can explain.
November 8th: We are
off today and we are invited to go to a multi zone conference with all the
missionaries here in Cochabamba and hear Elder Steve Allen teach the
missionaries. He is the executive
director of the missionary department of the church. He taught at the mission president’s
conference that was held in Quito last week.
We arrived just before 9:00am and he taught for more than 5 hours. We got home at 4:00pm. He had some great stories and he helped write
Preach my Gospel. He really is a good
Elder Allen teaching the missionaries. |
Multi zone conference with 120 missionaries. |
November 9th: As we
went on our walk today, two buses arrived from La Paz and when we returned we
were asked by the stake president from Mira Flores stake, President Vasquez, if
we would speak to his group this afternoon at 3:00pm. We worked the morning shift and the temple
was really busy and I got to do sealings for an hour. We came home and had a quick bite to eat and
went and spoke to the group from La Paz.
Mom did a fantastic job and really brought the Spirit. I did an ok job as well. We are getting pretty good at last minute
preparation for talks.
Pres. Vasquez and his wife. |
The group from Mira Flores stake in La Paz. |
At the end of the
meeting, the Relief Society went around and gave everyone a small blue badge to
commemorate the last trip to the temple before the stake is divided next
The blue badge to commemorate the last trip to the temple before the stake is divided. |
We have been asked to go and help
serve dinner to Elder Allen and all the stake presidents and their wives,
President Crayk and his wife and President Dyer and his wife at Pres. Dyer’s
house tonight. We spent from 7:00pm till
10:00pm helping with the dinner.
The Temple and orange clouds on the way to the Dyer's. |
The hired help at the dinner. Elder Cardon and mom. |
Dinner at the Dyer's with Elder Allen |
We got
to eat also and listen to Elder Allen talk about the changes in the missionary
age and how it will affect the missionary work in the stakes here in Cochabamba
and what the stake presidents need to do to help the missionary work move
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