September 6th: Rudy
and Dayana, a young couple from the Tiquipaya ward came to the temple
today. We started teaching them the
temple preparation classes when we were attending there. I will have the opportunity to seal them on Saturday. We were on shift in the morning, so we were
able to attend the session in the afternoon with them.
September 8th: We started the day by officiating the 7:00am
session. Then we went back to the temple
at about noon to get ready for Rudy and Diana’s sealing. This will be my first live sealing and I want
to make sure I have the language down.
Everything went pretty well except their 18 month old son was not a very
happy camper and cried during his sealing to his parents. I will surely always remember this day. After the sealing, Dayana wanted to put on
her wedding dress (from several years before) to have some photos taken outside
the temple. Chris helped her into her
dress, but almost immediately the zipper broke.
Not to be denied the photos, her mom and Chris sewed her into her dress
so she could wear it outside. She looked
Rudy, Dayana and son Johan |
We hurried to the apartment
after the sealing and I got a quick bite to eat. I went off to the Jaihuayco Stake for their
stake conference. During the priesthood
leadership meeting at 4:00pm, we separated into 2 groups and I was told to take
as much time as I wanted and we would get back together in an hour. Well, I was able to talk for 45 minutes and
then the counselor in the stake presidency took the rest of the time. When we got back together, the stake
president said that not everyone had had the opportunity to hear Pres. Dyer and
myself so we would take a few minutes and bear our testimonies. After the meeting, we were fed pizza as we
waited for the 7:00pm adult session. Mom
and Sister Dyer arrived and all four of us spoke in the adult session. After the adult session, we were picked up by
one of the temple employees and he took us to the party to celebrate Rudy and
Diana’s sealing. Mom danced and we had a
good time. Got home about 10:30pm.
Mom dancing at Rudy and Dayana's party (Bull Dance) |
Mom dancing up a storm.
September 9th: We
attended the general session of the stake conference where we both spoke
again. So that made 4 talks in 2 days
for me and 2 for mom. I wrote a new talk
for Sunday morning about vicarious work for our ancestors. The Dyers also spoke and they had given us a ride,
so we invited them to dinner.
Mom and Pres. and Sister Dyer at Stake Conference (Jaihuayco) |
Jaihuayco Stake Conference |
Part of the Institute Choir at St. Conference |
Kids and Flowers at Jaihuayco |
had marinated
some stakes on Saturday and I had put them in a crock pot before we left for
stake conference. They turned out pretty tender and tasted
good. It was fun to hear about some of
the things that are going on in the mission.
September 10th: We
were in charge of FHE and I taught a lesson on all the church web sites and
what is going on with technology. People
seemed to enjoy it. Mom made an apple
and a rhubarb crisp. That was also a
September 14th: We
were on the morning shift today and the assigned sealer did not show up. So I was the sealer. I sealed for 2 hours and then did 6 part-live
and part-deceased sealings. One older
woman came for her own endowment and after the session wanted to be sealed to
her deceased husband. She had a son who
was 46 years old and an endowed member who had gotten all the work done for his
dad and grandparents and 2 uncles and a sister.
So after the sealing of the mother and her deceased husband, we sealed
her son and deceased daughter to their parents. Then we sealed the mother’s
parents together and then the mother and her 2 deceased brothers to the
parents. This was a first for me again in sealing part-live and part-deceased couples
and children. Great Spirit in the room
and it was the highlight of the week.
A temple visitor heading back home. |
September 16th: Mom
and I spoke in 2 sessions of the University stake conference today. I drove President Crayk to the airport before
6:00am and then had the car for the day to get to the stake conferences that
were held in different buildings. I
think all turned out well. After stake conference I cooked Chinese for Christina and Lillian the other couple that we taught from Tiquipaya who I will be able to seal on the 28th.
First Session University Stake | | | | | | |
First Session University Stake |
Second Session University Stake |
You guys sound busy. Enjoy!
Mom was rockn but why wasn't dad out there dancing with her???
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