We last left you with the breakdown of our car as we were driving to Mt. Pleasant. When I (Chris) picked up the car after getting the air conditioning fixed FOR THE SECOND TIME, the mechanic mentioned that the harmonic balancer was well, out of balance. I had never heard of a harmonic balancer, so I made the call that it couldn't be too serious. Uh, wrong call. The result was rather expensive, but we have driven the ever faithful xterra back and forth to Salt Lake all summer. Now we will share with you what we have been doing all summer. This is farmer John, trying to dig up all the weeds in what we affectionately call the "east forty". ( Please notice the chicken coop on the far left.) We realized last year that the weeds would always get the better of us, so we decided to lay sod and have square foot gardens instead.
I can't find the before.
We are sitting in LAX waiting for our flight to China. My battery is dying, so I will post this and charge my battery and add more pictures of the other projects we tackled in Mt. Pleasant.
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