November 3rd through
November 9th: Monday Mom and I went to the dentist. In our neighborhood lives a couple who are
both dentists. The previous counselor in
the temple presidency had given us their business card. Mom has had some pain and decided we had
better find out what is the matter. They
picked us up and drove us to their office.
It was a good ½ hour drive to their office in another little town,
Cuilapam. They both spoke pretty good
English, so Mom was hoping they had trained in the states, but no, they met in
dental school here in Mexico. Mom was
very nervous when she saw their office; it was small and “dusty”. The long and
short of it is mom has an abscess and needs 2 root canals and a bone graft and
2 crowns. They decided to do one of the
root canals right then. I had planned on
making some orange rolls for dinner and Family Home Evening at the Pena’s home,
so I left and took a bus and then a taxi back to the apartment. 2 hours later mom got home. She has to go back on Wednesday and have the
other root canal done. Their equipment
was newer, but mom says they need to work on cleanliness. I got my rolls done just in time to go to
dinner. The Penas prepared pork ribs and
they were delicious. It was just 3 of the couples that live in the temple
housing, us, the Penas and the Rays, and Laura and Luis Perez, who are always
driving us around to see different ruins and places of interest and their
daughter, Lucerno .
Dinner Monday night, L to R Sister Ray, mom Lucerno, Sister Pena and Laura Perez, Lucerno is Laura's daughter. |
Family Home Evening |
We had a great week
in the temple. On Friday, we set a new record for ordinances performed in one day--2,723.
Some of the youth from Cuautla Zapata who were in the temple Friday and Saturday. |
And on Saturday,
we had 7 buses arrive in the morning.
Three of the buses were a Relief Society group from Tlaxcala. It was a challenging morning, but we attended
to over 320 patrons.
This is one of the brides and her parents. They are from Huchitan down on the itmas. (SP narrow part of the land between the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific) |
Saturday evening in
the middle of watching Granite Flats our internet went out and we don’t
know when we will get it back. A truck
took out the telephone wire and cable for internet. There are about 10 homes in this neighborhood
that are now without phones or internet.
We are supposed to get a new fiber optic cable with phone service and
fast internet. We hope that happens
soon. I don’t know when I will be able
to post this, but at least now it is written.
Sunday, we went to church at
the Violetes ward and heard great talks from Pres. Junco, the Stake president and
Elder Villalobos, the area seventy. At the end of the Relief Society meeting,
the young women sang a farewell song to a young woman leaving on her
mission. Mom said it was very
The young women who were singing for the sister missionary who was leaving on Tuesday. |
In the evening, we had a meeting
with the coordinators to go over evacuation procedures in the temple in the
case of an emergency and then another meeting with the members of the High
Council who are over the temple in their respective stakes. Time is flying by; we have just completed
1/3 of our mission. 1 year is all that
is left. I went to a coffee shop close
to the apartment and had a hot chocolate so I could upload this post.